Otti Berger, wall fabric made of cellulose-based ribbon material, ca. 1932-34, / © Busch-Reisinger Museum at the Harvard Art Museums

Otti Berger, wall fabric made of cellulose-based ribbon material, ca. 1932-34, © Busch-Reisinger Museum at the Harvard Art Museums

Thu 11.07.2024
13:00-13:30 Time

Lunchtime tour

As part of the exhibition "Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture. An installation by Judith Raum at the temporary bauhaus-archiv".

Curatorial tour (in German)

One of the project responsible curators guides visitors through the exhibition and shares insights into the project’s extensive findings on the textile designer Otti Berger. It is the first time Berger’s widely scattered oeuvre has been reconstructed. The installation by Judith Raum sheds light on this process and presents rewoven fabrics that highlight the technical sophistication of Berger's fabrics.

Free admission
Please register here.