Photographer: unknown, Bauhaus building in Dessau (1925-1926) with swastika flag on the studio building, 1933, Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin

Tue 11.06.2024
18:30-20:00 Time
An Exercise in Defending Democracy

Taking a Stand – Bauhaus and National Socialism

An evening (in German) as part of the event series on the Bauhaus and diversity.

With its 2024 exhibition “Bauhaus and National Socialism”, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar sheds light on a highly relevant, long-overdue topic. The exhibition coincides with the opening of the new “Museum of Forced Labour under National Socialism” in Weimar. What significance do these – ostensibly historical – projects have today? What impact can they make, and what are their limitations? We invite you to join the museum curators Anke Blümm and Jens-Christian Wagner from Weimar, together with Annemarie Jaeggi, member of the exhibition’s advisory board, to discuss the exhibition and museum concepts, public response, taking chances and seizing opportunities.

Speakers: Dr Annemarie Jaeggi (director of the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung), Dr Anke Blümm (research associate, Bauhaus-Museum Weimar), Dr Jens-Christian Wagner (director of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation)

Event language: German

Free of charge. Limited capacity of seats. Please register here.