the temporary bauhaus-archiv © Catrin Schmitt

the temporary bauhaus-archiv © Catrin Schmitt

Visitor information

The temporary bauhaus-archiv can be visited by individual visitors without prior registration. If you would like to visit us as a group, please register at

the temporary bauhaus-archiv
Knesebeckstraße 1-2
10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Phone: 030-30641768
U Ernst-Reuter-Platz

Mon–Sat, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sundays and public holidays: closed
Free admission


Mon-Sat, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Phone: 030-30641767

The Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung is currently undergoing renovation and will receive a new museum building. We regret that while construction work is in progress, our museum, archive and reference library are closed. Our archive’s holdings are not accessible at our interim location.

How to reach us
You can reach the temporary bauhaus-archiv by bus with the lines 245, M45, X9 and N2, or you can take the underground to the Ernst-Reuter-Platz station (without a lift). The closest station with a lift is the Zoologischer Garten station. There are free public parking spaces in the area. There are two parking spaces for disabled people, available after 3 pm. These are located across the street in front of the Renaissance Theater Berlin.

The temporary bauhaus-archiv is 110 metres away from the Ernst-Reuter-Platz station (Hardenbergstraße exit). The route takes you down a very busy street with no traffic lights. There is no ground guidance system.

If you need help getting to the temporary bauhaus-archiv, the BVG Muva app can help you find the way. Or you can call the VBB bus and train escort service at: +49 (0)30 -34649940.

The temporary bauhaus-archiv
The temporary bauhaus-archiv is located in a large, bright room with many windows. The entrance is on the ground floor. The door can be hard to open, so if you need help, just call our visitor service at +49 (0)30 – 30641768. There are no dividing walls in the room, so it can get loud when lots of people are there. The temporary bauhaus-archive also has an exhibition area and the bauhaus shop.

In the middle of the room between the exhibition area and the bauhaus shop, there’s a box called the “Bauhaus Infinity Archive. You can walk inside it. It’s dark and the walls are mirrored. There’s also a monitor with blinking lights.

The main area of the room is wheelchair accessible, and there are places to sit down. There is no floor guidance system. There’s a gallery that runs along the perimeter of the room. It’s two metres high, and there are stairs leading up to it at the entrance and the bauhaus shop. If you want to go shopping at the bauhaus shop, you can also do this online from home.
The lighting and furnishings in the exhibition area can change depending on which exhibition we’re showing.

The bauhaus_lab
The bauhaus_lab takes place on the ground floor. There are stools available. Please note that our headphones don’t have a function to cancel noise.