Education and Outreach
Our programmes acquaint you with the design ideas of the Bauhaus, invite you to explore your own creativity and enable you to gain aesthetic experiences through Bauhaus-inspired artistic impulses. The Bauhaus-Archiv offers a broad range of educational programmes and activities, such as the bauhaus_lab at the temporary bauhaus-archiv and other venues, joint projects with Berlin schools and daycare centres like the Bauhaus_SpaceLab, and projects developed by and for neighbours and residents of Berlin. We constantly experiment with new formats and learn from our networks and partners.
We’ve continued to offer a wide variety of activities during the construction period. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any bookable educational formats for school classes and daycare groups until construction is completed. If you are interested in our upcoming programmes ahead of the reopening, we would be delighted to send you our Education Newsletter.

Bauhaus Music 2024. Education and outreach
The Bauhaus-Archiv collaborated with several local schools on various projects, the results of which were presented in part at Villa Elisabeth.

bauhaus_lab Interaction of Color, Photo: Doro Petersen
Every Saturday we invite visitors of all ages to participate in our bauhaus_labs at the temporary bauhaus-archiv.

bauhaus@gropiusstadt. Shaping the neighbourhood
bauhaus@gropiusstadt. Shaping the neighbourhood
The Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung wishes to scrutinise the urban development concepts of the 1960s and discuss with young people what the children and adolescents living in the Gropiusstadt housing estate need today.
Bauhaus_SpaceLab 2024: Spaceship Museum – The Kids’ Cosmos
The Bauhaus_SapceLab enables a very young target group to gain their first experience of the museum and to get to know the ideas and works of the Bauhaus artists.

Conference: SpaceShip Museum?
The “SpaceShip Museum” is on its way through a universe of endless possibilities with children at the helm: What challenges might we encounter on our journey?

“Space and Time: NOW!” is an early-childhood cultural education project targeted at children between the ages of 4 to 8 years. The project will introduce 320 Berlin children to museums as places of activity where their opinion counts. The citywide project is designed to encourage artistic action. The children work together to shape situations as they imagine them – action as an expression of opinion and design as a means of shaping the social reality of the world.
Space and Time 2: Spaceship Museum – The Kids’ Cosmos
An early-childhood cultural education project that introduces young children to the museum as a place they can shape and are free to explore. Its themes include art and nature, space and time, and present and future.