bauhaus@gropiusstadt. Shaping the neighbourhood

The Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung wishes to scrutinise the urban development concepts of the 1960s and discuss with young people what the children and adolescents living in the Gropiusstadt housing estate need today.
The programme bauhaus@gropiusstadt aims to create formats and places of encounter where young Neuköllner can actively shape their living environment. What inspiration can the historic Bauhaus offer? With a team of experts and a multitude of creative activities, the children and adolescents are invited to express themselves creatively and develop their own ideas on designing the living environment in an open-ended process.

The creative activities will be based on the youngsters’ wishes and interests and developed on site in collaboration with the network partners. The main focus of the event is to offer children the chance to become acquainted with artistic forms of expression, encourage them to take an active role and discover their personal strengths and talents.

The event is offered in cooperation with its partners in Gropiusstadt: Girls’ Sport Centre Wilde Hütte, the neighbourhood meeting place Fritzi-Treff, the Family Centre Apfelsinenkirche, Art Work City Berlin, the City District Coordination Office Gropiusstadt, Young Arts Gropiusstadt and the Stadtvilla Global.

This outreach project is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion and is supported by Berlin Mondiale.


The design_lab is being offered from April until December 2024 at the girls’ sport centre Wilde Hütte.


Based on the Bauhaus preliminary course, the participants discover all the unusual and extraordinary things one can create with everyday materials like paper, toothpicks and wire.