bauhaus_lab Interaction of Color, Photo: Doro Petersen

bauhaus_lab Interaction of Color, Photo: Doro Petersen


Every Saturday we invite visitors of all ages to participate in our bauhaus_labs at the temporary bauhaus-archiv. The bauhaus_lab outdoors takes you to the Berliner Tiergarten park. Inspired by works from our collection and authentic exercises from the historic Bauhaus, the workshops give us space to approach design challenges using analogue and digital methods. In these workshops, we introduce you to photography and drawing, materials and patterns, arts and crafts techniques, colours and multi-sensory perception.

Every second Saturday of the month, the bauhaus_lab is especially suitable for families and children in company of adults. The bauhaus_lab on the last Saturday of the month features primarily digital tools.

No prior knowledge is required.

bauhaus_labs are headed by a team of museum educators with expertise in various artistic fields:

Barbara Antal
Alexandre Decoupigny
Cornelia Durka
Claire Fristot
Julia Marquardt
Zara Morris
Doro Petersen
Franz Siebler
Johannes Siebler

Participation is free; prior registration is required.

For upcoming dates and registration details, please consult our event calendar.

At the temporary bauhaus-archiv, Knesebeckstr. 1-2, Berlin-Charlottenburg.

The dates of our online workshops are announced in advance on this page and in our monthly newsletter.

You can get creative at home with our bauhaus_worksheets.

Read our interview with Friederike Holländer, head of education and outreach at the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, on the idea behind the bauhaus_lab.

Photo: Doro Petersen

Photo: Doro Petersen


Pop-Up Party

Paper worlds in folded cards
Sat 15.02. | 11:00-14:00
bauhaus_werkstatt: Wir tätowieren eine Zitrone, Foto: Siebler

bauhaus_werkstatt: Wir tätowieren eine Zitrone, Foto: Siebler


We tattoo a lemon

Between norm and individualism
Sat 22.02. | 11:00-14:00