berlin bauhaus week
PROGRAMME at the temporary bauhaus-archiv
31 Aug – 8 Sep 2019
Sat, 31 August 2019
Long Night of Museums
Visitors can look forward to the bauhaus_lab, a Bauhaus puppet theatre performance, film screenings of “bauhausWORLD” (Lydia Ranke) and “Building the Future” (Niels Bolbrinker and Thomas Tielsch), architecture and exhibition tours.
Admission only with a valid ticket to the Long Night of Museums. For more information, please visit www.lange-nacht-der-museen.de.
Mon, 2 September 2019
6:15 pm – 9:15 pm bauhaus_salon: The Bauhaus student Ré Soupault
Ré Soupault studied at the Bauhaus from 1921 to 1925. She was an experimental filmmaker, fashion journalist, fashion designer, photographer, translator, and essayist who also went by the names Erna Niemeyer and Renate Green. The podium discussion sheds light on her understanding of art and the transnational and transcultural world she inhabited.
Participants: Markus Heltschl, filmmaker, Susan Chales de Beaulieu, filmmaker, Patrick Rössler, University of Erfurt, Manfred Metzner, publisher and manager of the Ré Soupault estate
Moderator: Anja Baumhoff, University of Hannover
Tue, 3 September 2019
8 pm – 10 pm bauhaus_discourse: making futures bauhaus+
Based on the action research project making futures bauhaus+, this podium discussion explores how civic participation can be better integrated in long-running urban development processes when architecture is viewed as a resource and collective practice.
Participants: Markus Bader, project director of “making futures bauhaus+” and professor at the Institut für Architektur und Städtebau, UdK Berlin, Saskia Hebert, subsolar* architektur & stadtforschung and professor of Transformationsdesign HBK Braunschweig, Klaus Lederer, Berlin Senator of Culture and Europe
Moderator: Anh-Linh Ngo, ARCH+
Including an intervention in public space by pupils as part of the Bauhaus Agents programme
Wed – Fri, 4 – 6 September 2019
10 am – 6 pm Bauhaus and Play
Exhibition of the results of a multidisciplinary hackathon on the topic “Bauhaus and Play” at the HTW Berlin design centre De:Hive – play matters
Fri, 6 September 2019
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm bauhaus_discourse: Designing Games
This event focuses on “games” as rule-based constructs and places of action which can generate major, society-altering changes in both a positive and negative sense.
Project presentation by Thomas Bremer, professor of game design at the HTW Berlin, and follow-up discussion with Marc Fabian Buck, visiting professor for digitisation in education at the Institute of Educational Science, University of Hamburg.
Sat, 7 September 2019
10 am – 11 am Women at the Bauhaus – Tour
Tour through our gallery exhibition “Women at the Bauhaus” presenting some 60 women students and instructors of the Bauhaus in photos, followed by a drink of your choice – our treat!
Free admission. Limited number of participants.
11 am – 3:30 pm bauhaus_lab
For those who love to “pull the strings” and set geometrical shapes in motion, this bauhaus_lab is sure to satisfy. Inspired by the puppet theatre created by Bauhaus students, visitors young and old can assemble their own cardboard marionettes.
4 pm – 5 pm “The Adventures of the Little Hunchback” Puppet theatre
Oskar Schlemmer worked with students in the theatre workshop at the Bauhaus Weimar to stage a puppet theatre performance of the fairy tale “The Adventures of the Little Hunchback”. Although they constructed the marionettes, the play was never performed. Director and puppeteer Christian Fuchs has restaged the play with replicas of the original marionettes.