
While our museum is being renovated and extended, we welcome you at the temporary bauhaus-archiv, our project venue in Berlin's Charlottenburg district, Knesebeckstraße 1-2.

You can also discover the Bauhaus from home with our digital content!

Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture

An installation by Judith Raum at the temporary bauhaus-archiv


Illustration: Tilo Schneider

design (hi)stories

Contemporary design meets the Bauhaus

Visual ©L2M3

Visual ©L2M3

An Exercise in Defending Democracy

Millions of people in Germany are publicly taking a stand against right-wing extremism and exclusion, and voicing support for democracy and participation. As cultural institutions, museums represent an open society. Now more than ever, they are called upon to state their position and create spaces for dialogue and debate. With our new event series, we wish to initiate a discussion on fundamental democratic principles and the strengths of a diverse, solidarity-oriented society.

Visual © L2M3

Visual © L2M3

bauhaus music

bauhaus music 2024

about bauhaus – der Podcast des Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung

about bauhaus – der Podcast des Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung

about bauhaus

A Podcast by the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung

Berlin Secrets. Discover Design History

To mark the final showing of the exhibitions “Otti Berger. Weaving for Modern Architecture. An installation by Judith Raum” and “design (hi)stories” by Wolfgang Binder, we invite you to take part in short tours, discussions and city walks. Discover the innovative works by the Bauhaus graduate and influential textile designer Otti Berger. Together with Wolfgang Binder , we celebrate the last night of the exhibition “design (hi)stories” highlighting some of most cleverly designed consumer goods of the past 60 years. Contemporary design meets the objects and ideas of the Bauhaus and those influenced by them.


How can architects build a contemporary Bauhaus museum and pay tribute to the design school's legacy? In Cooperation with TICKET B - Experience Architecture, the Bauhaus-Archiv offers two guided tours:

Bauhaus-Archiv und Kulturforum Every first Sunday of each month

Ringsiedlung Siemensstadt Every last Sunday of each month

All public tours are held in German. ...


One ticket, 100% Bauhaus

bauhaus infinity archive

From 20 January 2022 at the temporary bauhaus-archiv

Visual © L2M3

Visual © L2M3

young bauhaus

for young art aficionados

bauhaus_lab Interaction of Color, Photo: Doro Petersen

bauhaus_lab Interaction of Color, Photo: Doro Petersen


Jeden Samstag laden wir interessierte Besucher*innen jeden Alters zur bauhaus_werkstatt ins temporary bauhaus-archiv ein.

bauhaus_worksheet © Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin / Julia Marquardt

bauhaus_worksheet © Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin / Julia Marquardt


Get creative!

Visual "Museum from home", Rendering of the new museum building © Staab Architekten

Rendering new museum building © Staab Architekten

Discover the Bauhaus from home

Videos, worksheets, podcasts and more