Talkshop Museum
What will the museum of the future look like?
The Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung is being renovated and expanded with a new museum building. In the Talkshop Museum series, we explore questions in connection with our future museum and discuss them with guests and audiences at the temporary bauhaus-archiv as live events. Which role does the socio-cultural outdoor space play in cultural institutions' work? How do artists work with collections and archives? How does an archive become open, vivid and accessible? What do we expect museum conservators to do more than simply preserve our cultural heritage?
At four scheduled events, we will invite guests with practical museum experience and experts from the areas of education, art and design to the temporary bauhaus-archiv to “talk shop” and discuss four different topics of museum practice. Podcasts of the Talkshop Museum are available on our Soundcloud channel (in German).
Read our interview with Tullia Tarsia in Curia on the concept for the Talkshop Museum on bauhaus stories, the online magazine by bauhaus.de.
10 May – 19 May 2022
Venue: temporary bauhaus-archiv, Knesebeckstraße 1, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Project manager:
Tullia Tarsia in Curia, freelance art educator, Berlin
Tullia Tarsia in Curia, freelance art educator, Berlin and Nina Wiedemeyer, curator at the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung
Limited number of participants. Please register in advance for each day.
Tuesday, 10 May, 6:30pm–8pm
Outdoor spaces: We create access!
How can museums reach audiences outside the cultural sector? How can we make better use of outdoor spaces as presentation venues or make them socially relevant sites?
Guests: Annemarie Jaeggi, director of the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
Günther Vogt, landscape architect, owner of VOGT Landschaftsarchitekten
Julius von Bismarck, artist, Berlin
Thursday, 12 May, 6:30pm–8pm
Artistic research: We build networks!
How do artists work with collections and archives? How are their research interests shaped by their understanding of art and the techniques of artistic production and presentation?
Guests: Esther Cleven, curator, Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
Tom Holert, cultural scholar and curator, Berlin
Judith Raum, artist, Berlin
Wednesday, 18 May, 6:30pm–8pm
Archive: We don't like dust!
How does an archive become an open, academic forum? How do we make it a vibrant, open and accessible place for professionals and visitors alike? What role do archives play in collection presentations?
Guests: Maximilian Wahlich, trainee exhibition, Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
Marcelo Rezende, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden
Willy Sengewald, exhibition designer, TheGreenEyl, Berlin
Thursday, 19 May, 6:30pm–8pm
Conservation: We are rich!
Should we expect museum conservators to do more than simply preserve our cultural heritage? The work of conservators is central to the self-image of museums. But is their relevance waning?
Guests: Antje Möller-Holzhauser, conservator, Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
Marcus Bröcker, certified conservator, Schaulager, Emanuel Hoffmann-Stiftung, Basel
Andrea Funck, conservator and professor at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK), Stuttgart
Stephan Lohrengel, paper conservator, Jewish Museum Berlin
Please note the current hygiene measures.